Sabtu, 17 Oktober 2009

Tips on Bulleted Slide

On a presentation it's often you see bulleted style slides, they usually explain more than one points of a topic. After get a great free powerpoin template, you should start think how it should be presented. This won't get your presentation bad but if you got too many bullets on a slide that will quite annoying for the audience and the presenter also. The audience will get confuse and start not focusing on the presenter, instead of it they will start to read all of the items you have there on your slide. So this is why you should try to avoid to get too many bulleted style slide on your presentation. And if you have to use bullet, you should design the slide so it will appear one by one instead of coming out together at the same time, it will help the audience and the presenter on focusing on the topic. So you should think and redesign your slides.

Sabtu, 15 Agustus 2009

Things to remember when you're distributing your presentation

When you're making a powerpoint presentation which you'll be distributed or shared with others, maybe your client, you should remember these things in mind so you won't have problems with your distributed file.

1. Don't use fonts that are not come with your office installation, fancy and beautiful font will get your presentation great. But note here you want to distribute it, not all people have your type of fonts on their computer.

2. Avoid using sounds and video embedded on your presentation, this will not work properly if they using different operating system, like Mac and/or Windows.

3. Save the file on the lowest version of powerpoint, not all people have the latest version of powerpoint, so saving the file on the lowest version will be a good way to aviod problems with version different.

4. Becareful if you're using customized free presentation template, some of them will make your file sized very large, remember you want to this file to be distributed.

Pecha Kucha, what is it?

Based on Wikipedia definition Pecha Kucha is a presentation format in which content can be easily, efficiently and informally shown, usually at a public event designed for that purpose. Under the format, a presenter shows 20 images for 20 seconds apiece, for a total time of 6 minutes, 40 seconds. This pecha kucha presentation style is giving you an efficient and effective way to do presentation. You see there are some basic things you should know before making presentation : First, you have to put enough info on your presentation, remember it's "enough" not much, people usually put the whole information they want to deliver on their slide. It's totally wrong, you just put main ideas into slide and then you explain what you want to say about the slide. Then audience will not get bored.
Second, you mustn't use regular default presentation template, now you can easily find many presentation template download site, you can browse any interesting template you like there. Okay, there are some (or two specifically) I will bring you others on my next posts.